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Swiss Chocolate Coffee - Luxury Coffee - Creamy Chocolate - Dessert Coffee - 1/2 lb

Swiss Chocolate Coffee - Luxury Coffee - Creamy Chocolate - Dessert Coffee - 1/2 lb

Regular price $7.85 USD
Regular price Sale price $7.85 USD
Sale Sold out
Coffee Grind

Arrr, indulge in the grand artistry o’ Swiss chocolate with our Swiss Chocolate Flavored Coffee, matey! This here exquisite blend be combinin’ the creamy, luxurious taste o’ premium Swiss chocolate with our high-grown, specialty Arabica beans, creatin’ a coffee experience that’s smoother than a calm sea and richer than a pirate’s treasure hoard. Each sip melts on yer palate like a decadent treat, offerin’ the perfect balance o’ coffee an’ chocolate, aye!

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