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King Cake - Luxury Coffee Lover Gift - for Mardi Gras celebrations - Coffee Lover 1/2 lb

King Cake - Luxury Coffee Lover Gift - for Mardi Gras celebrations - Coffee Lover 1/2 lb

Regular price $7.85 USD
Regular price Sale price $7.85 USD
Sale Sold out
Coffee Grind

Arrr, ye be seekin’ a brew fit fer a Mardi Gras reveler, eh? Then cast yer gaze upon this bold and bountiful bounty! This here coffee be a treasure chest o’ flavors, burstin’ with the fiery bite o’ spicy cinnamon, smoothed by a splash o’ sweetened sugar, kissed by a drop o’ golden honey, and rounded out with the creamy embrace o’ rich vanilla. Aye, it be a cup worthy o’ a pirate king’s feast, warmin’ yer bones and puttin’ the spirit o’ the high seas in yer soul. So hoist yer mug, matey, and drink deep—fer this be a taste as grand as the Mardi Gras itself!

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